Stash Learn


Feb 7, 2018

Inflation and Unemployment, How they Can Relate

By Lindsay Goldwert
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Losing your job is a common fear. After all, this kind of development can completely change your life, especially if you have a family to provide for, a significant amount of debt to cover, or both.

Here’s the thing: Inflation isn’t likely to lead to your termination but it can be a factor in a nation’s employment statistics.

Instead, it’s how inflation affects the economy that will eventually put your job security at risk.

How Can Inflation Cause Unemployment?

Simply put, inflation can hurt purchasing power.

When $10 doesn’t go as far as it used to, people tend to spend less as opposed to spending more to keep up with inflation. When people don’t buy as much, companies may not produce as many products to meet a diminishing demand. This may cause a loss of revenue and, as a result, companies may not be able to employ as many people.

At the same time, inflation also means the company’s money is no longer worth as much. Therefore, it takes more of their money to purchase the same goods and services they require.

This could mean anything from raw materials (e.g., rubber, wood, steel, etc.) to paying for necessary services (e.g., accounting, consulting, real estate).

How Fear of Inflation Can Impact Employment

At the same time, the fear of inflation can have the adverse effect.

That’s because, when people are worried about the threat of inflation soon hurting their purchasing power, they go out and make more purchases. They do it now while they know they can. A company, in theory, may employ more people to keep up with the demand.

How to Protect Yourself from Inflation

The much bigger threat represented by inflation is simply what it can do to your paycheck. In short, the more your inflation goes up, the more your purchasing power goes down.

One way to protect yourself against inflation by investing your money. That way it could grows ahead of the pace of inflation or at least in a similar trend. To note: investing involves Risk.

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Written by

Lindsay Goldwert

Lindsay Goldwert is an author and freelance personal finance writer, as well as the host of Spent podcast


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