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Aug 25, 2023

What Is a Balance Sheet?

By Team Stash
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A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company’s financial position at a specific moment in time. It presents a summary of the business’s assets and liabilities as well as its shareholders’ equity, offering valuable insights into the company’s financial outlook. For both businesses and their investors, the balance sheet is an essential tool for understanding the organization’s resources, obligations, and overall financial standing.

In this article, we’ll cover:

Importance of a balance sheet

The balance sheet plays a pivotal role in the world of business by empowering stakeholders like shareholders, partners, and creditors with a financial statement containing vital information about a business’s health. Companies issue balance sheets on a regular cadence, often quarterly, offering a window into the business’s financial performance for that specific window of time. A balance sheet can help you assess a company’s stability and evaluate the financial health of an investment opportunity by analyzing its current assets, liabilities, and equity.

Benefits of understanding balance sheets 

Simply put, understanding a balance sheet allows you to make more informed decisions. By reviewing a company’s financial statements, you can make inferences about its ability to meet obligations and weather economic hardship, two factors that can influence the potential return on your investment if you buy shares of the company’s stock. 

Looking through historical balance sheets may also reveal patterns and trends, like total assets and debt, that could help you forecast future performance. With a thorough understanding of a company’s fiscal position, you can make strategic decisions about your investments like whether to purchase or sell stock.

Components of a balance sheet

A balance sheet is divided into three primary sections: assets, liabilities, and equity.

  • Assets: What is owned or controlled by the company 
  • Liabilities: Any financial obligations or debts owed to external parties 
  • Equity: The residual interest in the company’s total assets after deducting its liabilities; also known as shareholder’s equity or net worth


A balance sheet’s assets encompass all economic resources owned or controlled by a company. These can be tangible, like cash and inventory, or intangible, like intellectual property. In order to accurately assess a business’s total assets, it’s essential to differentiate between current assets, which are short-term and have higher liquidity, and non-current assets, which are less easily converted to cash.

  • Current assets: Includes cash, inventory, accounts receivable, and short-term investments. These resources are crucial for day-to-day operations.
  • Non-current assets: Refers to items like property, equipment, and long-term investments. These assets contribute to long-term growth and operations.


Liabilities are a company’s financial obligations to external parties, such as outstanding accounts payable and debts owed to manufacturers, partners, or lenders. Understanding the composition and amount of liabilities an organization has may help you evaluate its liquidity, solvency, and ability to pay back debts. Just like assets, these can be short- or long-term, and classifying them accurately is critical for viewing the full picture of a company’s fiscal position. Liabilities fall into one of two categories:

  • Current liabilities: Consist of short-term debts, accounts payable, and other obligations due within a year
  • Long-term liabilities: Encompass debts and obligations with a maturity period beyond one year, such as mortgages and bonds


Equity, as defined on a balance sheet, is the business’s residual interest in a company after deducting liabilities. In essence, equity represents the ownership interest of shareholders in the company. One critical element of equity is retained earnings, which make up the portion of profits the company chooses to keep and reinvest rather than distribute to shareholders as dividends. As the company accrues profits over time, those earnings contribute to the growth of its stockholders’ equity, which can also include components like common stock or additional paid-in capital (aka, cash received in exchange for stock). 

How to read a balance sheet

Reading and interpreting a balance sheet may seem daunting at first, but with a little guidance, it becomes a valuable skill for understanding a company’s financial standing. Start by dissecting the components mentioned above and evaluating the signifiers of the company’s fiscal health like key financial ratios. With a grasp on what the assets and liabilities sections say about its financial picture, you can discern whether the business has net-positive or net-negative equity. Moreover, with information about long-term and current liabilities, you may be able to make more educated projections about the company’s future equity.

Key financial ratios 

Key financial ratios provide perspective on a company’s earnings and performance. With numerical data on a business’s assets and liabilities, you can calculate whether a company is in good financial standing or headed for trouble. For example, a positive current ratio might indicate a good short-term outlook, while a high debt-to-equity ratio can point to a future risk of default. Keep in mind that these figures are best considered in combination with other financial and non-financial factors to form a comprehensive assessment of a company’s operational efficiency.

  • Current ratio: Also known as a fundamental liquidity ratio, the current ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s current assets by its current liabilities. This figure indicates a company’s ability to meet its short-term financial obligations. A current ratio greater than 1 suggests that a company possesses sufficient current assets to cover its short-term liabilities, signifying a better short-term financial forecast and a lower risk of default.
  • Debt-to-equity ratio: This ratio measures a company’s financial leverage by comparing its total debt to its shareholders’ equity. As a shareholder, this helps you gauge a company’s dependence on debt financing. A higher debt-to-equity ratio may indicate that the company is relying more on borrowed funds, potentially increasing financial risk. On the other hand, a lower ratio could suggest that the company is financing its operations more with equity, indicating a more conservative financial approach.

Assessing financial health and stability

Assessing a company’s fiscal stability through financial statements can help you gauge its profitability and ability to withstand challenges. This insight may guide your investing decisions as you evaluate whether to buy, hold, or sell stock. 

Identifying signs of liquidity, solvency, and profitability: A business’s liquidity, solvency, and profitability are key signifiers of positive or negative performance. 

  • Liquidity: By reviewing a company’s current assets, you can get an idea of how easily it can access cash needed to meet its immediate obligations for operational expenses and debts.
  • Solvency: This term refers to a company’s capacity to repay its long-term debts and continue its operations without facing financial distress. A healthy solvency position shows that the company has sufficient total assets to make payments on current liabilities. 
  • Profitability: Analyzing profitability can shed light on the company’s ability to generate profits from its operations. This involves evaluating income statements and retained earnings in addition to the relationship between assets, liabilities, and equity.

Comparing balance sheets over time or against industry benchmarks: A single balance sheet represents a company’s financial health over a limited period of time, isolated from broader market trends. You can get a more holistic viewpoint by looking at additional data points. 

  • Historical balance sheets: Comparing balance sheets from different periods in a company’s history can clarify trends and changes in its finances. For instance, improving liquidity ratios over multiple financial statements may indicate enhanced short-term stability, while a growing debt-to-equity ratio might be a sign that the business is struggling. 
  • Competitors: Another useful point of comparison is a company’s competition. Benchmarking the company’s financial ratios against its industry peers can help you identify areas of strength or weakness within the market.
  • Key ratio variations: Interpreting variations in key ratios over time might offer a deeper understanding of how the company manages its cash. 

Using balance sheets in conjunction with other financial statements: Remember that a balance sheet reflects certain financial information over a limited period of time, such as a single quarter. For a broader understanding of the organization’s financial health, you may delve into additional records, such as income statements,  cash flow, and profit and loss (P&L) statements. The difference between a balance sheet and a P&L statement is that the former gives a snapshot of the company’s current financial position, while the latter offers a summary of financial performance that reflects overall profitability. 

Limitations of a balance sheet

While balance sheets are essential financial statements, they come with certain limitations to keep in mind.

  • Time lag: Balance sheets represent the financial situation of a company at a specific past date, usually the end of a fiscal period, and may not accurately reflect its current assets and liabilities. Business conditions can change rapidly, and the most recent developments might not be captured in the balance sheet.
  • Estimations and judgments: Some line items within a balance sheet are determined by management and may be somewhat subjective. Figures like the valuation of total assets or cash set aside for contingencies might be estimated, which can affect their accuracy.
  • Omissions and exclusions: Intangible assets like intellectual property and brand value are difficult to quantify and therefore might not be reflected clearly in the balance sheet, which can make a big impact on the company’s overall value.

Non-financial factors, such as market trends, competition, and management effectiveness can also play a significant role in the company’s performance and long-term success. By combining both financial and non-financial insights, you’ll be better equipped to understand the bigger picture.

Informed decisions through financial insight

Understanding what a balance sheet is can be a valuable tool in making investment decisions. The information in these records provides clarity into a business’s assets, debts, and overall profitability. Consider them alongside other financial statements and non-financial factors for a holistic assessment of a company’s financial health.

By grasping the components and implications of a balance sheet, you can more easily estimate potential earnings on your investments and make informed investing choices that align with your goals. 

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